Speak so employees can hear you

  • Important messages directly to your phone
  • Easily customisable application
  • Connection with company systems
  • Employee satisfaction monitoring
  • Strengthening the company’s internal culture

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What you get with MUNIPOLIS tools

Modules and their use

Communication tools

Universal sender
SMS gateway
Email sender
Messages to the app
Voice messages
Mailing statistics
SMART contacts directory
Registration of employees

Tools and features for employees

Mobile applications
Web profile
Digital magazine
Surveys and questionnaires
Facility management
Ideas for improvement
Questions for management
Benefits for employees

Other tools and connections to corporate systems

Creation of content pages
Customise the appearance of the application
Linking to www
Connect with social networks
Confirm reading of documents
Attendance system
Parking system
Ordering system

Security and service

Language mutations
GDPR ready
System security
Tutorials and webinars

Already more than 4,800 municipalities, companies and associations in 4 countries, sending over 70 million messages a year

BR Group

“We use MUNIPOLIS communication tools for a large proportion of BR Group companies. Employees of individual companies are assigned to groups for this purpose.”

Ivana Gračková

Press Officer

“MUNIPOLIS is a communication platform that is more attractive than a regular intranet, but at the same time does not have the disadvantages of traditional social networks.”

Zuzana Pastrňáková

Head of the PR and Marketing Department
Liberty Ostrava

“With MUNIPOLIS we can communicate with employees very effectively. In addition to posting quick information on the bulletin board, we also collect feedback through surveys.”

PhDr. Barbora Černá Dvořáková, MBA

Head of Communication and External Relations

Want more information, test the system or get involved? Get in touch

    Direct contact

    If you want to get in touch with us immediately and without any prolonged delay, feel free to use one of the methods below.


    +420 533 533 355


    Londýnské náměstí 886/4, 639 00 Brno

    Get in touch!